Blue Power to showcase ultrasonic atomiser at Formnext

September 27, 2021

Blue Power and Amazemet’s collaboration resulted in a new ultrasonic atomisation unit (Courtesy Blue Power Casting Systems GmbH)

Blue Power Casting Systems GmbH, Walzbachtal, Germany, will showcase the final version of its new AUS 500 ultrasonic atomiser at Formnext 2021, Frankfurt, Germany, November 16-19. The prototype was announced in November 2020, and has been developed in cooperation with the technology partner Amazemet, a spin-off company of the University of Warsaw.

Ten years after the introduction of Blue Power’s first gas atomisation system, the AUS 500 is set to expand its portfolio of systems for powder production and classification. Dr. Fischer-Bühner, head of R&D at Blue Power, stated that the system will enable every AM user to produce small batches of high-quality, spherical powder at an affordable price, without complex infrastructure.

The induction heating system and pre-installed programmes for numerous alloys enable precise control of the melting temperature and are said to ensure perfect results from the start. Melting can be done either under vacuum or in a controllable atmosphere. The powerful medium frequency induction generator is reported to create a stirring/mixing effect that improves the alloy quality.

Inside the ultrasonic atomisation unit (Courtesy Blue Power Casting Systems GmbH)

“A crucible-based induction heating system has many economic advantages over plasma-assisted ultrasonic atomisation,” stated Mateusz Ostrysz, co-founder of Amazemet. “For example, the loss of volatile alloy components through evaporation is prevented without the need for complex and expensive filter systems. The system is not limited to pre-alloyed wires and rods only; in fact, the starting material can be more or less any shape. In this way you avoid the time and effort required to manufacture complex and expensive wires and you do not need any peripheral devices such as continuous casting machines and drawing benches. “

Very small batch sizes of up to around 100 g or even less are technically and economically feasible, while larger batches of up to several kg (bronze) per hour are also possible. The yield is also said to be high, with bronze, for example, particle sizes in the range of d50 = 40 to 60 µm being possible.

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