Bill Michael to retire after 38 years of service to Hoeganaes and Powder Metallurgy

June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012


Hoeganaes Corporation, Cinnaminson, New Jersey, USA, a leading global producer of ferrous metal powders, has announced that Bill Michael, Sr. Vice President of Sales and Marketing, plans to retire after 38 years of service. Michael has been the face of Hoeganaes Corporation in the Powder Metallurgy market as well as an eminent leader in the industry.

After introductory roles with PM parts manufacturing at IPM Corp., a division of Allegheny Ludlum Steel, in Ridgway, Pennsylvania, and later at Coramant, a division of Sandvik Steel, in the area of tungsten carbide PM, Michael joined Hoeganaes Corporation in Riverton, New Jersey.

His career there began in the management of their blending and annealing operations. He was part of the original start up team for the Gallatin, Tennessee plant and served as its first General Manager in 1979. He was subsequently promoted to the position of Plant Manager, Gallatin.

In 1982 Michael moved into the role of Manager, Sales and Marketing at the company’s corporate headquarters in Riverton, and was eventually promoted to Vice President of Sales & Marketing. In 1996, he was the principal architect for the acquisition and integration of ARC Metals into the Hoeganaes family.

Since 1999, Michael was principally responsible for Hoeganaes’ international market development, overseeing the European presence including their Huckeswagen market service operation in Germany. He was also a primary participant in the acquisition and integration of Ductil Powders, Buzau, Romania into the organisation. His role also included setting up a sales team and agency network in Asia, eventually resulting in the Hoeganaes Corporation Danyang, China market service operation. In 2001 Michael was appointed to his current position, Senior Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing.

Michael’s commitment to the industry has been reflected by his many appointments and awards over the past three decades, including Chairman, Philadelphia Chapter, APMI 1979-1980; Chairman, IDB, MPIF 1991-1993; MPIF Board of Governors 1993-1997; MPIF Distinguished Service Award 1999; Chairman, MPIF Awards Committee 1999-2012; President, MPPA, 1993-1997.

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June 6, 2012

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