Atlas receives certificate in annual TMAP Testing

February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019

Atlas Pressed Metals, DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA, has announced the successful completion of an industry-sponsored, voluntary testing programme, the Test Method Assurance Program. Each year, Atlas Pressed Metals’ in-house materials laboratory participates in the programme, which demonstrates proficiency in performing various test methods as outlined in the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) material standard.

MPIF manages the distribution of the samples and the evaluation of a series of metallurgical lab tests, designed to qualify the proficiency of lab personnel and equipment within the metal powder industry. Atlas participates in the sintered density, apparent hardness, transverse rupture strength, micro-indentation hardness, and total carbon content portion of the programme.

Once completed, the data is returned for statistical analysis to the MPIF. Each company is given a summary report containing the statistical summary with a data table and graphical representation for each test method. The results are benchmarked against other participating companies.

For confidentiality purposes, companies are assigned a unique lab code identification number. The data tables contain the specific test method, results for all labs, data mean, grand mean, deviation from grand mean, and comparative performance value (CPV). The graphical analysis compares the individual lab results to the grand mean within a 99.5% confidence limit for the respected test.

“I enjoy the advantages of participating in the TMAP program because we can compare our lab measurement capabilities with other companies in the powder metal industry,” stated Christina Mahlon, Materials Engineering Technician at Atlas. “We are proud to meet this achievement each year.”

TMAP is designed to compare the laboratory staff’s ability to achieve accurate, reliable and consistent results while following the MPIF standard test methods. According to the MPIF, material and testing standards are established to “aid in the conduct of business,” and help to clarify and promote the advancement of Powder Metallurgy and associated metal powder industries through well-established material standards and test methods.

February 26, 2019

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