AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group announces formation of Management Board of AMG Technologies

January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019

AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has named Guido Löber as Chairman of the Management Board of new operating division AMG Technologies. This position will be in addition to his current responsibilities as President of AMG Titanium Alloys. He will be joined on the Management Board by Markus Holz, who will continue to act as the President of AMG Engineering, as well as by Steve Daniels, who will act as the CFO of AMG Technologies.

As announced in November 2018, AMG Technologies will be comprised of AMG’s existing Engineering and Titanium Alloys businesses, replacing AMG Engineering. Dr Heinz Schimmelbusch, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of AMG Advanced Metallurgy Group, commented, “Beginning with the AMG IPO in 2007, we stressed the importance of combining engineering and operations know-how in order to accelerate innovations in advanced metallurgy. In a major step early on we offered novel vacuum heat treatment technologies not only as a supplier of furnaces but also as a heat treatment service to our automotive customers.”

“Subsequent to that development, AMG Titanium Alloys achieved a major breakthrough in new aerospace engine materials based on the combination of vacuum furnace engineering and operations know-how, commercialising titanium aluminide as well as titanium aluminide powder for Additive Manufacturing,” he continued.

“This project and others have increased the cooperation between Hanau and Nuremberg, the corporate centres of AMG Engineering and AMG Titanium Alloys, respectively. We predict that the combination of these two entities under one management team will deliver substantial value for our customers and for all AMG stakeholders,” he concluded.

January 7, 2019

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