ACEA releases Automobile Industry Pocket Guide 2022/2023

Companies & MarketsNews
September 7, 2022

September 7, 2022

Global car production in 2021 (Courtesy ACEA)
Global car production in 2021 (Courtesy ACEA)

The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published its updated Pocket Guide. This guide, updated yearly, is intended to provide a clear, comprehensive overview of the European auto industry.

The Pocket Guide highlighted the annual investment in R&D made by the sector, and how this is boosting development of the electric vehicles to meet emission targets. “With its massive yearly investment of €59 billion, the auto sector remains the EU’s top investor in R&D, accounting for one-third of the region’s total spending,” stated Sigrid de Vries, Director General, ACEA. “Thanks to this, our industry is leading the transition towards zero-emission mobility. No better testament to that than the fact that the market share of battery electric cars almost doubled to around 10% in 2021.”

The association reports it is keen to see this trend continue across the entire automotive industry, but warns that the charging infrastructure needs to be urgently addressed. “We are committed to accelerating this trend across all vehicle segments – and indeed we must do so rapidly to ensure that Europe’s climate targets are met. If we are to succeed, it is urgent that the framework conditions for going electric on a massive scale are also now put in place, including a dense network of charging infrastructure and access to the necessary raw materials,” added de Vries.

Car production in the EU in millions of units (Courtesy ACEA)
Car production in the EU in millions of units (Courtesy ACEA)

In 2021, the production of vehicles in the EU was reported to be down 8%, as supply shortages continued to impact the industry. As a result, sales of new vehicles also continued to fall, as supply struggled to follow demand. EU car sales fell to 9.7 million units in 2021, some 3.3 million less than the pre-COVID levels.

“As we navigate through the uncertain times ahead, we must ensure that this strategic industry remains a strong competitive player, ready and able to pursue the goals of zero-emission and zero-fatality mobility,” concluded de Vries.

At 106 pages, the 2022-2023 edition of the ACEA Pocket Guide contains the latest data on employment, vehicle production and sales, trade flows, the vehicle fleet, road safety, the environment, innovation and taxation.

The Pocket Guide is available to read in full here.

Companies & MarketsNews
September 7, 2022

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