Winter 2015 issue of Metal AM magazine available for free download

January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016


The Winter 2015 issue of Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine has just been published and is now available in both print and as a free PDF download. The magazine from Inovar Communications Ltd brings together news and exclusive articles on technical and commercial developments in the metal Additive Manufacturing industry.

The 80 page Winter 2015 issue includes an extensive 24 page guide to the latest industry news as well as the following exclusive features:


Formnext 2015: Product launches take centre stage at Europe’s new exhibition on Additive Manufacturing

The much anticipated inaugural “formnext powered by TCT” exhibition took place in Frankfurt from November 17-20, 2015. Squarely aimed at an industrial audience, the event succeeded in attracting almost all the major metal Additive Manufacturing technology suppliers. Whilst aglined as the international exhibition on additive technologies and tool making, there was a real sense that it was the Additive Manufacturing community that most fully embraced this new exhibition concept. As Metal AM magazine’s Nick Williams reports, AM technology suppliers took the opportunity to make a number of new product launches and announcements.

Hot Isostatic Pressing: Improving quality and performance in AM parts production

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has been used for a number of decades as a method to consolidate metal powders and metal matrix composites to produce fully dense components, to eliminate porosity in sintered parts, to produce metal clad parts through diffusion bonding, and to eliminate defects in castings. HIP is now also playing an important role in assuring and increasing the quality of critical components produced by powder-based Additive Manufacturing. In the following article Magnus Ahlfors and Johan Hjärne describe the HIP process and its influence on the microstructure and properties of AM Ti-6Al-4V alloys.

Metal AM at Euro PM2015: EBM for aerospace and automotive, powder recycling, and advances in SLM

For readers who have not yet discovered the annual conference of the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), the Euro PM conference series has grown to become a rich source of technical information on the latest advances in powder-based metal AM. The Euro PM2015 Congress, held in Reims, France, 4-7 October 2015, was no exception and Dr David Whittaker reports on a number of key technical presentations made during the first two Additive Manufacturing sessions at the congress.

Metal AM at Euro PM2015: Superalloys, powder atomisation and advances in inkjet and LMD processes

In part two of our report on technical advances in metal AM at the Euro PM2015 Congress, Reims, France, October 4-7 2015, Dr David Whittaker reports on six further papers presented at the conference’s very well attended metal AM sessions. These papers cover the heat treatment of IN939 superalloy parts, the production of Ni718 superalloy powder, advances in inkjet-based metal AM and the production of gears by Laser Metal Deposition (LMD).  

January 5, 2016

In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification
  • Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing Powder Metallurgy company achieving success through a diversified customer base
  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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