Ultrafine gas atomised powders available from Atomising Systems
March 16, 2016
Atomising Systems Limited, Sheffield, UK, has announced that significant research and development work has been undertaken on its gas atomiser systems to address the increasing market for ultrafine gas atomised powders. Following work to improve the tundish system, the 200 kg batch capacity gas atomiser has now been upgraded with a high power gas heater allowing much higher atomising gas temperatures to be achieved.
Coupled with extensive work on ASL’s gas atomising nozzle system, the upgrades enables the production of stainless steels with a median particle size of less than 20 microns. Further investment in uprated sieving and classification systems also allows ASL to undertake powder separations from over 100 microns down to less than 5 microns. With these upgrades ASL states that it has more than doubled its production capacity for the finest grades.
It was announced that the company’s quality control laboratory has also received a significant boost with a new Malvern Mastersizer, a total oxygen determination instrument, a compaction press and tensometer for green determination of water atomised powders and an XRF chemical analyser. All are now in operation, assuring the quality and consistency of the ultrafine gas atomised powders.
“While a massive increase in orders for water atomised powders has kept us very busy, we have not neglected to develop our capability to serve our gas atomised powder clients with new grades for Metal Injection Moulding, Additive Manufacturing, Hot Isostatic Pressing and thermal spray processes amongst others. These investments are already proving to be extremely beneficial,” stated Simon Dunkley, ASL’s Managing Director.
“This QC laboratory investment of well over £200,000, coupled with the recruitment of extra laboratory staff, ensures ASL can provide a QC service exceeding that expected of our demanding clients.”