UK Magnetics Society events look at the future of magnetic materials

May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018

Two events run by the UK Magnetics Society (UKMagSoc) will look potential trends for the future of magnetic materials. A seminar, ‘Electro-Mechanical and Systems Integration in the Aero/Auto World’ will run on June 11–12, 2018, at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, and the society’s 31st Ewing Event will be held on November 28, 2018, at the Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, UK.


Electro-Mechanical and Systems Integration in the Aero/Auto World

This seminar is expected to give an insight into emerging technologies and developments related to the electrification and systems integration effort in the automotive and aerospace industries.

A number of researchers working in academia and R&D in these industry sectors have been invited to contribute to the seminar programme, which will include talks and sessions on:

  • Trends in electrification of automotive and aerospace systems
  • Multi-physics and interdisciplinary design methodologies
  • Component design (electrical machines, power electronics, drive-trains)
  • Industrial needs and strategy

The seminar is chaired by Dr Michael Galea, University of Nottingham. Attendees can register via the UKMagSoc website. Hotel accommodation is available on the university campus for a small additional fee.

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31st Ewing Event: The Future’s So Bright… Potential Trends in Magnetics

Following on from 2016’s Ewing Event, which looked at the previous thirty years of magnetics development, UKMagSoc’s 31st Ewing Event will look to the future of magnetics over the next three decades. The event will cover a number of areas of magnetic technology including manufacturing, generation and transmission, machines, spintronics, graphene, materials, automotive, skyrmions, computing and CAE, among others. 

During the full-day technical seminar, a series of talks will cover questions such as how research may change the way materials are viewed; the demand posed by mass uptake of electric transport; ways in which Brexit may affect supply chains and trade for the UK market; recycling as a growth area for supply, and more.

In the evening following the seminar, the keynote Ewing Lecture will attempt to draw common themes from across each topic addressed during the day and provide a summary outlook on the field. The event will then conclude with an informal dinner for all attendees.

This year’s Ewing Event is chaired by Dr Cris Emson, Infolytica Europe. Registration is not yet open, but prospective attendees can register their interest via the UKMagSoc website.

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May 21, 2018

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