Translation of sintering book recognised by Turkish Academy of Sciences
May 12, 2015
The Turkish Academy of the Sciences (TÜBA) has announced the winners its 2015 ‘Science Copyright and Translation Award’ (TEÇEP). Named in the Engineering Sciences category was Prof Dr H Özkan Gülsoy, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, for his translation of Prof Randall German’s “Sintering Theory and Practice.”
TÜBA-TEÇEP is organised annually to encourage the writing of university level textbooks at international standards in the Turkish Language, or the translation of the best examples in every field from foreign languages to Turkish.
The original title, published by Wiley, is a highly respected guide to sintering and covers all aspects of the process. The translated reference book, Sinterleme Teorisi ve Uygulamaları, received an Honorable Mention in the awards and is now available from publishers Nobel Kitap.
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