Toyota Mobility Foundation awards ten Hydrogen Research Initiative grants
April 4, 2018
The Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) has selected ten researchers to receive grants from its Hydrogen Research Initiative. The Hydrogen Research Initiative, established in July 2017, supports research to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and/or the cost of hydrogen and hydrogen systems.
This initiative is said to be in support of the realisation of a ‘hydrogen society’ – a set of communities with sophisticated, integrated, green-energy networks powered by mini-hydrogen plants that aim to create a carbon-free hydrogen distribution system.
The initiative received thirty-two applications for research proposals with the ability to yield practical results between the years 2025–2030, in the areas of:
- Hydrogen generation
- Hydrogen storage and transport
- Hydrogen applications
- Energy systems
The ten grant recipients were selected by a screening panel of hydrogen energy experts from universities and public research organisations. On the recipients chosen, Kazunari Sasaki, Vice President of Kyushu University and chair of the screening panel, stated, “The grant research topics from this year will lead to significant technological innovations toward the full-scale commercialisation of hydrogen.”
“The screening panel will continue to support the researchers through ongoing advising, thanks to the support of TMF. I hope that the researchers expand their perspectives through opportunities for exchanging ideas with the members of screening panel and other grant recipients. Furthermore, I hope that they become leaders who contribute to the realisation of the ‘hydrogen society’ by 2050.”
Akio Toyoda, TMF Chairman and President of Toyota Motor Corporation, stated, “Securing environmentally-friendly, sustainable energy is an important issue in mobility. Carbon-free hydrogen combined with renewable energy is a leading option for energy in the future. We recognise that we need a lot of technological innovation to develop the ‘hydrogen society’ which is why TMF launched a research program to support it.”
The full list of Hydrogen Research Initiative grant recipients is available via the Toyota Mobility Foundation online.