TMS Symposium on “Novel Synthesis and Consolidation of Powder Materials” planned for March 2013

July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

A symposium on “Novel Synthesis and Consolidation of Powder Materials” is planned for the TMS Annual Meeting, March 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

The organisers, Ma Qian (The University of Queensland, Australia) and Iver E Anderson (The Ames Laboratory, USA), request that interested parties submit abstracts for the symposium by the deadline of 15 July 2012.

The annual TMS meeting typically attracts more than 4,000 attendees and it is expected that this will be the most comprehensive symposium on powder materials at TMS.

Scope of “Novel Synthesis and Consolidation of Powder Materials”

Powder materials and their various consolidated or assembled forms are used in many industries today for a wide variety of purposes, from demanding structural applications such as nickel-base powder metallurgy superalloys in the hot sections of jet engines to distinctive functional operations such as catalyzation, seeding, s urface modification for extreme conditions, and purification.

In addition, nanopowder materials are expected to play a central role in enabling the transformation of various new energy sources into affordable forms of power. The materials community is thus expected to relentlessly develop novel powder synthesis and consolidation processes that will better serve our current and future needs.

In this proposed six-session symposium, papers addressing all aspects of novel powder synthesis and consolidation will be presented, and the proceedings, based on invitation, will be considered as a focus issue of a peer-reviewed journal following the symposium. The various aspects to be covered will include, but will not be limited to:

  • novel synthesis of powder materials including nanopowder production and coated or passivated powder by both chemical and physical means;
  • novel applications of powder materials including loose powders, functionally graded powder materials, porous structures and fully consolidated products;
  • advances in characterization of powder materials;
  • new developments and understanding in powder consolidation (e.g. spark plasma sintering; microwave sintering; forging, extrusion, powder injection moulding, cold spray forming, additive manufacturing or rapid prototyping);
  • improved or novel process control of powder synthesis and consolidation;
  • advanced powder-based material designs such as functionally graded powder materials and novel metal-ceramic or metal-polymer composites.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 July 2012


For more information please visit the symposium webpage


Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]   

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July 2, 2012

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