Tekna adopts HoloLens mixed reality systems to continue business during travel restrictions
March 18, 2021

Supplier of plasma induction systems and high-purity metal powders, Tekna, based in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, has implemented Microsoft’s HoloLens mixed reality technology to conclude its Factory Acceptance Tests remotely.
Tekna’s sales are mainly to overseas markets. Before shipment, as part of the company’s quality procedures, equipment must undergo a Factory Acceptance Test in conjunction with customers. Prior to the stall of travel due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this critical production process was performed on-site in the Sherbrooke facility, requiring customers to travel to Canada.
After global travel restrictions were instituted in 2020, the Plasma Systems team found a way to utilise HoloLens mixed reality smart glasses, which allowed for the company and its customers to overcome time zone and language barriers.
Tekna has stated that it is the application of Hololens technology to its workflow which allowed the company to continue business as usual. It has continued to improve the application and has implemented Hololens for use in remote training and real-time support worldwide.