Technical programme published for Euro PM2019
June 17, 2019

The EPMA has published the technical programme for its Euro PM2019 event taking place in Maastricht, the Netherlands (Courtesy EPMA)
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced the publication of the full technical conference programme for its Euro PM2019 Congress and Exhibition. The event, which will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from October 13–16, 2019, will cover all aspects of Powder Metallurgy.
Now available online, the congress programme includes over 300 technical papers on the following key topics of the PM industry:
- Additive Manufacturing
- Functional Materials
- Hard Materials and Diamond Tools
- Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Metal Injection Moulding
- New Materials and Applications
- Press and Sinter
The EPMA states that the programme will be regularly updated with new exhibitors, sponsors and changes to speaker line-up. A new app has also been launched for Euro PM2019, which will allow visitors to access any updates to the programme via their mobile device. Further information is available via the event’s website.