Sven Arend named CEO of hGears

Companies & MarketsNews
February 7, 2023

February 7, 2023

Sven Arend has been appointed Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of hGears (Courtesy hGears Group)
Sven Arend has been appointed Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of hGears (Courtesy hGears Group)

hGears AG, a global manufacturer of high-precision gears and components headquartered in Schramberg, Germany, has announced that Sven Arend has been appointed chairman of the management board and CEO of the company, replacing Pierluca Sartorello. hGears is the parent company of mG miniGears, the Italian-based Powder Metallurgy parts maker.

“As we build on hGears achievements to date, we are pleased to have Sven officially on board from today,” stated Volker Stauch, hGears AG chairman of the supervisory board. “He brings proven strategic and operational expertise and has an excellent track record with international organisations, notably also in Asia and Italy. He is the ideal person to drive operational excellence and take the business to its next phase of growth.”

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“We thank Pierluca Sartorello for his significant contribution to hGears over the years. In merging mG miniGears SpA, Padova and Herzog GmbH, Schramberg Pierluca played a key role in the group’s inception in 2015 and in taking the Company public in May 2021. hGears growth strategy, which is based on the ongoing strong global expansion of eMobility, is the result of Pierluca’s entrepreneurial vision and dedication,” Stauch continued.

Commenting on his departure, Pierluca Sartorello stated, “It has been a privilege to lead hGears for the last eight years. Throughout my journey, I have been fortunate to work with many talented people who have all been committed to the Company’s success. I am very proud of what we have achieved together, and I have great confidence in Sven as my successor.”

Arend began his career at ThyssenKrupp’s automotive segment and led several companies, including Berco SpA and Brink Group, where he served as CEO.

“I am excited to take over the leadership at hGears, which offers many growth opportunities above all in the e-Mobility area,” he added. “I look forward to working closely with the management team and all employees to strengthen hGears’ position as preferred partner for our valued customers, generating further value for our stakeholders”.

hGears operates globally with production facilities in Germany, Italy and China.

Companies & MarketsNews
February 7, 2023

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