Still time to register for Euro PM2018 in Bilbao
October 10, 2018

Euro PM2018 will be held at the Bilbao Conference and Exhibition Centre from October 14–18, 2018
The Euro PM2018 International Conference and Exhibition is taking place in Bilbao, Spain, October 14-18, 2018, at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), the event will cover all aspects of Powder Metallurgy from the latest material developments to innovations in manufacturing equipment and PM processing.
In addition to over three hundred technical papers presented in oral and poster sessions, the conference programme will include eight Special Interest Seminars (SIS) held on the following topics:
- Metal Injection Moulding – Quality and tolerances of MIM components
- Functional Materials: Soft and hard magnetic materials
- Press & Sinter – A critical analysis of press & sintering technology
- Hard Materials/Hardmetals – Micromechanical testing of HM
- Hot Isostatic Pressing – HIP and heat treatment of IN718 – microstructure and mechanical property relationships of HIPed and heat-treated powder IN718
- Hot Isostatic Pressing & Additive Manufacturing – Microstructure and mechanical properties and the effect of combined HIP and heat treatment cycles compared to conventional processing
- Additive Manufacturing – Success case studies in production and future preview of metal AM
- EIT RawMaterials: Competitive and sustainable Powder Metallurgy industry
Running parallel to the technical programme, the exhibition will bring together over one hundred companies from across the world. A number of social events will give delegates the opportunity to network, including the Welcome Reception and the Congress Dinner.