Starrett introduces its new AVX550 Multi-Sensor Vision System

September 4, 2020

Starrett has introduced a new, large-format AVX550 Multi-Sensor Vision System (Courtesy The L.S. Starrett Company)

The L.S. Starrett Company, Athol, Massachusetts, USA, a global manufacturer of precision hand tools and gages, metrology systems and more, has introduced its new AVX550 Multi-Sensor Vision System, equipped with dual optical systems and touch-probe capability to measure parts with a diverse range of feature sizes and geometries. 

The large-format AVX550 system can be equipped with two cameras and lenses to be used sequentially in the same programme along with touch probe options, making it highly versatile, states the company. For accuracy, durability and stability, including where demanding requirements must be met, the AVX550 system features a granite base and bridge design.

The new system features dual optical systems that work in tandem to measure a range of features, with a primary zoom lens to enable small intricate features to be inspected with high precision, and aresolution of up to 2 µm A secondary large field-of-view camera is equipped with a telecentric lens that can simultaneously inspect large areas of a part, or an entire part itself. 

Starrett stated that the incorporation of a broad range of zoom options also means that measurement configurations can be custom-tailored to meet specific application requirements, and eliminates the need to change lenses or recalibrate the system. Throughput is said to be further enhanced with fast platform travel speeds and dual collimated profile lights which are essential to the effectiveness of the dual optical systems.

In addition, the system is equipped with the M3 software package from MetLogix, and a traditional mouse as well as a touchscreen monitor makes user interaction easy and intuitive. Auto part recognition enables users to create a part measurement program that comprises the desired features of a part for inspection, which can automatically be saved in the system or to a network. Programmable light output options can also be built into the program as defined steps, including being called up as the part recognition program initiates. 

Once the program is created, placing that part within the camera’s field-of-view allows for the saved program to initiate and run the inspection. Further features such as a ‘Superimage’ function allow the piecing together of multiple camera frames in order to view a large part as one single image. A Renishaw Touch Probe may also be utilised for the quick acquisition of discrete points along a part’s profile and 3D geometry mapping. 

The Starrett AVX550 Multi-Sensor System has several options for lens configuration:

  • For inspection of small, intricate areas, a powerful 12:1 zoom optics lens is equipped with a 26 x to 310 x magnification range for precise resolution
  • The fixed magnification telecentric lens comes with magnification options of 0.14 x, 0.3 x, 0.5 x, 0.8 x, 1.0 x, 2.0 x and 4.0 x
  • Systems can be configured in a larger measurement range on the X, Y, and Z axes, and can also be equipped with Q-axis rotary positioners for increased capability

“We are pleased to offer our customers a powerful, easy to use multi-sensor measurement system which streamlines and optimizes the QC process,” commented Mark Arenal, General Manager, Starrett Metrology Division. “Using a single system, production parts can be examined on the shop floor or in the QC lab on macro and micro levels as one comprehensive process.”

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