Soft magnetic iron powder cores used in high performance hybrid electric motors

March 17, 2016

March 17, 2016

Iron powder producer Höganäs AB of Höganäs, Sweden, reports that its Somaloy soft magnetic composite powder is being used to produce the stator core components for three high performance electric motors in the hybrid drive system of the Koenigsegg Regera.  


 YASA-750 traction motor used in the high

performance hybrid Regera

The Regera hybrid was developed by Koenigsegg of Sweden as a luxury Megacar alternative to Koenigsegg’s traditional extreme, light weight, race-like road cars and is capable of accelerating from 0 to 400 km/hr in less than 20 sec.

The Regera features a 5.0 litre V8 internal combustion engine combined with three extremely compact axial flux electric motors from YASA Motors Ltd in Oxford, UK. Together, the ICE and electric motors provide 1500 Hp (1.1 MW) of power via a direct drive transmission that excludes a traditional gearbox. Each axial flux high performance electric motor contains a number of pressed Somaloy 5P stator cores produced by SG Technologies, based in Rainham, Essex, UK.  

Christian von Koenigsegg, CEO of Koenigsegg stated “The three electric motors in the Regera constitute the most powerful electric motor set-up in production car history, replacing the gears of a normal transmission while adding power, torque, torque vectoring and yet still able to remove weight. YASA’s motors are extremely power dense, making them the key-ingredient for the direct drive system.”


Schematic of the Regera direct drive system using three electric motors 


There are two direct drive YASA-750 motors in the Regera delivering 1600 Nm/360 kW on the rear axle for traction, and a single engine speed YASA-400 motor generator unit delivering 350 Nm/160 kW of electrical power, torque gap filling and starter motor functionality. “The torque capability of the YASA motors has given the Regera an acceleration capability that is second to none,” added Koenigsegg. 


The Koenigsegg Regera incorporates the most powerful electrical motor set-up in production car history


March 17, 2016

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