Sino-Euro expands its portfolio of titanium powders

April 15, 2019

April 15, 2019

Sino-Euro has added Ti1023 (left) and BT20 (right) to its portfolio of spherical metal powders (Sino-Euro Materials Technologies of Xi’an Co.,Ltd.)


Sino-Euro Materials Technologies of Xi’an Co.,Ltd. (SMT), a subsidiary of the Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research located in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, has expanded its range of titanium powder with the introduction of BT20, Ti1023, Ti6242 and Ti6Al7Nb. The company will produce the new materials using its Supreme-Speed Plasma Rotating Electrode Process (SS-PREP™).

BT20 titanium alloy, also referred to as TA15 in China, is said to be widely used in aerospace engines, nuclear structures and other industries in China and Russia. The nominal chemistry of BT20, with alpha and beta phase comprised of Ti-6.5Al-1Mo-1V-2Zr (weight percentage), reportedly offers excellent mechanical properties at both elevated temperatures and at room temperature.

Ti1023 is a TIMET-developed, high-strength, hardenable forging alloy used in airframes, landing gear components and engines. It is said to be suitable for near-net shape forging techniques due to its excellent combination of strength and toughness.

Ti6242 is said to offer a highly desirable combination of tensile strength, creep strength, toughness and high-temperature stability for long-term applications at temperatures of up to 530℃. Its primary application area is in gas turbine compressor components, such as blades, discs and impellers.

Ti6Al7Nb is said to offer an ideal substitute for Ti6Al4V in medical applications, as it does not contain vanadium. Vanadium has been found to be toxic to humans at high levels, and has also been identified as a possible carcinogen, making it unsuitable for use in medical implants or tools.

Speaking on the expansion to Sino-Euro’s titanium portfolio, Dr Liang Shujin, the company’s General Manager, stated, “Based on the SS-PREP™ technique, Sino-Euro could make any kind of titanium alloy into spherical powder just as easy as Ti-6Al-4V. Unlike the sophisticated correlation between alloy and parameters during gas or plasma atomisation, SS-PREP owns the similar parameters for different kind alloy, including titanium, nickel-based and iron-based alloy.”

According to Sino-Euro, its powder business achieved revenues of around $6 million in 2018.

April 15, 2019

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