Sigma Labs, Inc. announces development of technology to support low cost 3D metal printer

January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

Sigma Labs, Inc., a developer of advanced, real-time, non-destructive quality inspection systems for 3D metal printing and other advanced manufacturing technologies, has announced the development of technology to support a low-cost, 3D metal printer based on arc welding technology. 

As part of this initiative key strategic alliances have been established, including a Memorandum of Understanding between Sigma Labs and Michigan Technological University to collaborate technically in the development of technology for a low-cost, 3D metal printer for near-net shape parts that require only 3- or 5-axis machining to take the parts to final form.


Michigan Tech has recently developed an open source 3D

printer based on gas metal arc welding technology

Mark Cola, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sigma Labs, stated, “Michigan Tech has recently developed an open source 3D printer based on gas metal arc welding technology. Sigma Labs has a unique knowledge base in advanced sensing and process control for gas metal arc welding. The enabling technology for the contemplated new product would be based on our proprietary and patent-protected PrintRite3D® quality control and sensing technologies.”

“Along with strategic partners, we intend to develop, test, and launch a customised, low-cost 3D printing solution for metals like titanium, steel, aluminium, and nickel-based alloys.  Our low-cost printing technology is directly focused at servicing the currently untapped market of tens of thousands of users presently dissuaded by the high-cost, barriers to entry of 3D laser powder-bed solutions.  Lastly, we have identified manufacturing sources capable of producing our low-cost 3D printing technology,” added Cola.

January 14, 2014

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