September 2016 issue of PIM International available for free download

November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016

September 2016 issue of PIM International available for free download


The September 2016 issue of Powder Injection Moulding International (Vol.10 No.3) is now available for free download from In addition to over 50 pages of news from the metal and ceramic injection moulding industry, the 112 page includes the following exclusive articles:


BASF interview: The global leader in MIM feedstock on the Asian market, growth opportunities and a new binder system

The MIM industry’s success over the last two decades, in particular the spectacular recent growth in Asia, can be attributed in large part to the availability of continuous production systems. The introduction of BASF’s Catamold® feedstock was the driver behind the development of these systems and BASF remains the industry’s leading feedstock supplier.

PIM International’s Nick Williams interviewed the Metal Systems Global Unit management team on topics including the Asian market, growth opportunities and the development of a new catalytic binder system.


Silcon Plastic: Metal Injection Moulding drives innovation in the luxury eyewear sector

The world market for luxury eyewear is dominated by Italian manufacturers and northern Italy is a centre for the design and development of this type of consumer product. Silcon Plastic s.r.l., in Forno di Zoldo, Italy, is an important manufacturer of eyewear components and frames.

Dr Georg Schlieper recently visited the company on behalf of PIM International and reports on the ongoing development of its MIM activities.


The evolution of continuous furnaces for MIM: Delivering enhanced quality, energy efficiency and capacity

The introduction of continuous debinding and sintering furnaces has significantly improved Metal Injection Moulding’s ability to challenge machining and investment casting for the production of high volume precision components. Early systems, however, had a number of restrictions that hampered both production flexibility and the drive towards increased energy efficiency.

In the following article Eisenmann SE’s Sven Heuer explores the impact of continuous furnace technology on MIM and explains how the technology has advanced to meet the demands of the industry.


Expanding the role for MIM and CIM feedstock: Evolving PIM binder systems for extrusion and compression moulding

Binder systems lie at the heart of the Powder Injection Moulding process, enabling metal and ceramic powders to be injected into a die as if they were plastics. Binders have, of course, evolved significantly since the earliest days of PIM and their ongoing advancement enables part producers to continue to push the boundaries of what can be achieved.

In the following article Dr Christian Mueller and colleagues review the types of binders used in PIM and present an established binder system from Emery Oleochemicals GmbH that is being adapted to find applications in the related processes of extrusion and compression moulding.


POWDERMET 2016: Advances in PIM processing highlighted in Boston

The POWDERMET2016 Conference and Exhibition took place in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, from June 5-8, 2016. North America’s leading Powder Metallurgy event continues to encourage PIM producers, industry suppliers and researchers from around the world to share their latest research and developments.

In our first report from the conference, Dr David Whittaker reviews three papers that addressed issues surrounding debinding, post-sintering Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) and the processing of translucent ceramics.


POWDERMET 2016: Super-high strength steels, maraging steels and advances in nickel powder production

In the second of our reports from the POWDERMET2016 Conference and Exhibition, Dr David Whittaker reviews two papers that report on research into the Metal Injection Moulding of two high performance steels. These materials promise to further expand the range of application for MIM technology into areas that demand either superior fatigue resistance or hardness.

A third paper is reviewed that reports on the recent commissioning of the world’s fourth carbonyl nickel refinery in Jinchuan, China, and compares the powder production routes with other carbonyl nickel plants.

For more information and to download your free PDF digital edition visit here

November 1, 2016

In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification
  • Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing Powder Metallurgy company achieving success through a diversified customer base
  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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