Second National Science Foundation grant to enable US students to attend MPIF conference
October 11, 2017
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has secured a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for the second year in a row to enable select students from US colleges and universities to attend POWDERMET2018 and AMPM2018, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 17–20, 2018. The Grant Awards will cover the full registration fee and hotel accommodation.
Organised by the MPIF, POWDERMET2018, the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, will cover a number of topics across the metal powder industries such as:
- Design and Modelling of PM Materials, Components and Processes
- Particulate Production
- General Compaction and Forming Processes
- Powder Injection Moulding (Metals & Ceramics)
- Pre-Sintering and Sintering
- Secondary Operations
- Materials
- Refractory Metals, Carbides & Ceramics
- Advanced Particulate Materials and Processes
- Material Properties
- Test and Evaluation
- Applications
- Management Issues
Alongside the technical conference, the event will include an international exhibition focused on the Powder Metallurgy, Powder Injection Moulding, particulate materials and metal Additive Manufacturing industries.
Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy (AMPM) 2018, co-located with POWDERMET2018, will feature a number of talks from worldwide industry experts presenting the latest technological developments in the field. Across the three day event, presentations will be given on the topics of:
- Materials
- Applications
- Technical barriers
- Process economics
- And new developments in AM
According to the MPIF, these conferences provide an important opportunity for college students to network with industry leaders, present their own research and learn from those already working in the industry. Grant applicants must be from US institutions, attend the entire conference and participate at the conference as an author on a poster on engineering activities at their institution, providing a 10-minute synopsis of the poster during a scheduled poster session.
Grant applications must be submitted by December 1, 2017.