Seco Warwick patents ground-breaking temperature control solution for heat treating furnaces

March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017

Seco Warwick, Poland, has announced plans to patent a new temperature control solution for heat treating furnaces. Working to meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry, engineers at the company are reported to have designed a method enabling continuous control over the heating and cooling of the entire heat treatment cycle in multi-chambered furnaces.

The reported solution addresses the inclusion of thermocouples during the heat treatment cycle, which move between chambers attached to the tray. Temperature control is achieved based on a special construction that allows the operator to monitor the temperature in both chambers, providing full temperature control of processed parts in multi-chamber vacuum furnaces during the entire process.

The solution has been successfully implemented in a two-chamber vacuum furnace, Seco Warwick’s CaseMaster Evolution®, which is used for vacuum case hardening in the aerospace, automotive machinery, wind energy, transmission and commercial heat treatment industries.

“All of our customers set the bar high and expect the equipment of the highest quality that will meet the strict industry standards and their expectations in terms of technology implementation. Nevertheless, the aerospace industry sets the bar the highest. Meeting such requirements would not be possible without the regular introduction of product and technology innovations, like this one,” stated Katarzyna Sawka, Global Marketing Director at Seco Warwick. “The combination of the rich, long-term experience and expertise of Seco Warwick with the latest technologies leads to the introduction of another ground-breaking solution that, by enabling constant temperature control, provides customers with a heat treatment process of even higher quality and efficiency.”

This development follows Seco Warwick’s 2016 award of the Symbol of Innovation and shortlisting for HSBC Bank’s Hidden Champion award.

March 14, 2017

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