Seco/Warwick celebrates its 10th anniversary in China

April 30, 2020

Seco/Warwick, headquartered in Swiebodzin, Poland, is celebrating the ten-year anniversary of its operations in China. Since those local operations began a decade ago, the company states that it now has twenty times the sales revenue and more than sixty employees, 10% of which were present at the beginning of operations. 

The company noted that over its ten years of operation in China, hundreds of solutions have been deployed; a 5,000 m2 head office and manufacturing plant have been launched; patents have been achieved at the rate of at least one per year;  the company has achieved National High-Tech Enterprise Certification as well as National Science; and it has gained clients across demanding industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, tools and dies, etc.

Sławomir Woźniak, CEO of Seco/Warwick Group, was responsible for the formation the group’s branch in China, focusing his energy on establishing production, sales and service based on local engineering and technical resources. 

There were reportedly two breakthroughs during the first year of operations in the Chinese market,connected to two major technologies. These technologies included CAB, in which Seco/Warwick states that it has become an unquestionable leader, and VAC, with a wide range of Hi-Tech applications for the aerospace, automotive and energy industries.

The first CAB line established at the Tianjin plant was installed and put into operation in September 2010. The system contained a dry-off oven and brazing system, and in the same year, Seco/Warwick started to build the first vacuum furnace, which was completed in May 2011. Two years later the first CAB system produced in China was exported to India, and is still in operation today.

The group explains that the first Aluminum Process project for a solution heat treatment and ageing furnace for the aviation industry was completed in 2014. In Vacuum Metallurgy, in 2013, Seco/Warwick Retech delivered a Plasma Welder for a titanium manufacturer which it states was a breakthrough project for the Vacuum Metallurgy product line. 

Its Chinese operations reportedly gained new momentum in 2015 when Liu Yedong became its General Manager, implementing a number of actions to strengthen the company’s presence in the local market. 

Seco/Warwick reports that its technologies are being developed by the efforts of all the engineering and technical staff working with clients on various markets across different industries, to understand common and new problems that lead to developing solutions. The Chinese team is believed to have provided many insights and solutions which resulted in twelve unique patents in heat treatment processing. 

“We started in 2010, in the Chinese Year of the Tiger,” stated Sławomir Woźniak, CEO of Seco/Warwick Group and former Managing Director of Seco/Warwick China. “The Tiger, considered to be brave, cruel, forceful and terrifying, is the symbol of power. Founded in a tiger year, we were forging ahead, and we were brave enough to challenge and strive for a larger market share.”

Liu Yedong, current Managing Director of Seco/Warwick China, commented, “We went through different years representing various animals, learning their skills, their ways of thinking and acting. Today Seco/Warwick is in a different place since the start, and we’re proud of the whole team and their achievements, and looking to the future with the belief that we are on a good track to our Seco/Revolution.”

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