SAS Sinterizzati obtains IATF certification
December 8, 2021
SAS Sinterizzati SRL, Bolognese, Italy, has obtained certification from the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) for the production of sintered parts, verified by quality assurance and certification company RINA SpA.
This follows on from the company’s certification in quality assurance for the production of sintered components, specifically the production, assembly & trade of pneumatic accessories, by the International Certification Network (IQNET).
Established in 1978, SAS Sinterizzati exports its products to over seventy countries. Currently, the company manufactures the following sintered components: sintered bronze and stainless steel; cams and levers; pistons for shock absorbers; lobe and gear pumps; components for locks; gears and components for the automotive industry.