Sandvik increases metal powder production capacity for AM

Companies & MarketsNews
November 11, 2021

November 11, 2021

A sample of Sandvik’s Osprey® metal powder (Courtesy Sandvik AB)

Sandvik AB, Stockholm, Sweden, has expanded its metal Additive Manufacturing powder production capacity by installing two additional atomisation towers at its production site in Neath, Wales, UK. This expansion follows a recent investment in a new plant for the manufacturing of titanium and nickel-base alloys for AM, in Sandviken, Sweden.

Sandvik offers a wide range of metal powders for AM, including titanium, stainless steel, duplex- and super-duplex steels, nickel-base super alloys, aluminium, copper, and more. The alloys are all atomised in-house and tailored to meet the needs of customers in demanding industries.

“Sandvik offers extensive capabilities in terms of providing high-quality and consistent metal powders, to customers engaged in a range of additive manufacturing processes such as Laser Powder Bed Fusion [PBF-LB], electron beam melting [Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion, or PBF-EB], and Binder Jetting,” stated Annika Roos, Business Unit Manager of Sandvik’s metal powder business. “By installing these new atomisation towers – one of which is already fully operational and quality assured, while the other is under construction – we bring our total tower count to twelve, and thereby significantly increase our ability to produce even larger quantities of premium metal powders.”

While much attention in the AM arena focuses on revolutionary designs, innovation on a material level is equally important. With its wide range of Osprey® metal powders, Sandvik states that it has the in-house capability to produce the market’s broadest portfolio of alloys and the metallurgical knowledge to customise the best suited material for each application and AM process technology.

Roos added, “Materials technology is very much integrated with Sandvik’s DNA. From our own AM service business, we have first-hand experience of printing in a wide range of materials for Additive Manufacturing – from tool steels and duplex steels to titanium and super alloys for high-temperature applications – and understand the importance of using premium raw materials in order to obtain an optimal end result. Gearing up our manufacturing capacity means we are now even better positioned to meet the increased demand in terms of metal powders for AM.”

The quality management system of the powder manufacturing facility in Neath is certified in accordance with AS9100D, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, and ISO 9001. In addition, Sandvik’s production site for titanium and nickel-base alloys in Sandviken, Sweden, is also ISO 13485 certified for deliveries to the medical segment.

Dr Paul Davies, Technical Solutions Manager at Sandvik Additive Manufacturing, commented, “Additive Manufacturing is in general challenging enough without questionable raw materials. Predictable and consistent powder flow is key when it comes to part quality and final properties – and since we have such a wide range of printing technologies for metals in-house, we can make sure all metal powders are tailored to the customers’ specific manufacturing process as well.”

Companies & MarketsNews
November 11, 2021

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