Sandvik Coromant appoints Helen Blomqvist as its new president

Companies & MarketsNews
October 27, 2020

October 27, 2020

Helen Blomqvist has been appointed as the new president of Sandvik Coromant (Courtesy Sandvik Coromant)

Sandvik Coromant, Sandviken, Sweden, has appointed Helen Blomqvist as its new president, succeeding Nadine Crauwels, who recently assumed the role of president of Sandvik Machining Solutions.

Blomqvist will be responsible for enhancing Sandvik Coromant’s leading position in manufacturing tools and machining solutions, explains the company. She will report to Nadine Crauwels and will be a member of the Sandvik Machining Solutions management team when her new position begins on December 1, 2020.

Blomqvist joined Sandvik Coromant in 2003 as a research engineer and has since then held various managerial positions in Product Management and R&D, as well as in sales, having been General Manager for Sales Area North Europe. 

She holds two patents and was awarded Sandvik Coromant Leader of the Year in 2018. Blomqvist is a Swedish national and holds a PhD in Structural Chemistry from Stockholm University. 

“I am pleased and honoured to have the opportunity to lead Sandvik Coromant, a company with a fantastic position for products and solutions that are adding value to our customers,” she stated on her appointment. 

“I look forward to working with Sandvik Coromant’s management team, employees and partners to continue to develop our offering, our innovation power and to implement our strategy to lead the industry forward and shape the future of the manufacturing industry. My focus will be to strengthen our role as a market leader.”

Companies & MarketsNews
October 27, 2020

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