Sacmi’s new MPH250 hydraulic metal powder press offers high productivity

July 29, 2020

The MPH250 is a new 250 tonne multilevel CNC hydraulic press (Courtesy Sacmi)

The Sacmi Group, headquartered in Imola, Italy, has announced the launch of its latest metal powder press, the MPH250. The new 250-tonne multilevel CNC hydraulic press is equipped with three upper axes and three lower axes, and is said to offer a reduced footprint and low energy consumption.

The MPH250 follows on from Sacmi’s popular MPH200 and features an innovative hydraulic circuit, which is said to result in lower energy consumption thanks to its variable pressure lines. The press is also said to be capable of a speed increase of up to 50%, whatever the production field.

A high level of operational efficiency is also reported to be feature of the new press, due to the use of a user-friendly API (Assisted Programming Interface) that drastically reduces the programming and tuning times.

“By keeping the design of the MPH200 and performing accurate hands-on tests, SACMI has come to the new MPH250 project, which takes advantage of all features developed by Sacmi in the last years and which have been widely appreciated on the PM market,” the company stated.

“This machine brings several advantages, from high productivity to limited footprint, as well as the absence of a foundation pit and energy saving. In other words, a press that will be surely appreciated by our customers for the numerous benefits it is able to offer.”

Sacmi manufactures a wide range of fully automatic hydraulic metal powder compaction presses from 80 to 1000 tonnes, as well as a 20-tonne electric press.

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