RTI International Metals acquires Additive Manufacturing company Directed Manufacturing

January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014

RTI International Metals, Inc. has announced it has acquired Directed Manufacturing, Inc., a leader in Additive Manufacturing of metals and plastics for both commercial production and engineering development applications, for $23 million in cash. The transaction is expected to enhance RTI’s ability to deliver advanced, cost-effective titanium and other advanced material solutions to customers in aerospace, medical device and other markets.

Based in Austin, Texas, USA, Directed Manufacturing, which will do business as RTI Directed Manufacturing, Inc., becomes the flagship organisation in RTI’s Advanced Additive product line. It produces complex products using titanium, nickel-chromium alloys and other specialty metals and composite plastics. The specific Additive Manufacturing technologies used by the company include Direct Metal Laser Sintering and Plastic Laser Sintering systems.

Directed Manufacturing currently manufactures products that include aerospace airfoils, rakes, guide vanes and injection nozzles, complex fasteners, surgical tools, medical implants, injection mould inserts and many others. It is one of the few companies in the Additive Manufacturing field with commercial production experience in both metals and plastics. The company’s customers include a number of major aerospace industry prime contractors and suppliers.

“We are very excited to welcome Directed Manufacturing to RTI. We believe its technology, track record of profitable commercial production, proven quality, performance and base of established customers immediately puts RTI at the forefront of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing – the technology that is rapidly expanding its influence on global manufacturing,” stated Dawne S Hickton, Vice Chair, President and CEO of RTI.

“We are delighted to combine our company with RTI. Its existing capabilities, financial strength, strong market presence and global footprint make it the perfect partner for Directed Manufacturing to continue and accelerate our progress as we move forward together,” added Alex Fima, Founder of Directed Manufacturing.

Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, RTI has locations in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.


January 27, 2014

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