Ricardo announces Future Mobility 2020 agenda for June

March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020

Global strategic engineering and environmental consultancy Ricardo plc, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, UK, has announced the agenda and speakers for its Future Mobility 2020 conference which is set to take place in Detroit, Michigan, USA, on June 17.

The one-day event, which will be presented as a workshop-style conference, will provide insights on the key technologies, and the commercial readiness of the transportation industry to meet the emerging opportunities and challenges in the movement of people and goods. It will especially focus on the expected deployments for connectivity, transportation services and autonomy in the period up to 2025.

Future Mobility 2020 – Agenda and speakers:

7:00–8:00 – Networking Breakfast

8:00–8.30 – Opening Session: 2025 Vision for Future of Mobility, Dr Marc Wiseman, Ricardo Strategic Consulting

8:30–10.30 – Key Trends in Mobility – Moderator: Daron Gifford, Plante Moran – Speakers: Giovanni Circella, UC Davis, and Mike Britt, Mike Britt Inc

The conference will focus on current understanding of consumer interest and expectations for ride hailing and ride sharing, and the intersection of mobility services and public transit. The session will feature presentations, audience polling and an interactive panel session. 

10:30–10:45 – Networking Break

10:45–12:45 – Connectivity and Future Consumer experiences – Moderator: Mike Bell, Ricardo – Speakers: Alan Taub, University of Michigan, and David McShane, Autotech Ventures

Connectivity enables linking of disparate elements in the transport system from individual cars to city wide traffic management and backend infrastructure, effectively creating an IoT transport system. This session will discuss how the IoT will transform transportation by 2025. 

12:45–13:30 – Lunch Break

13:30–14:15 – Key Note – Electrification – Stephane Fosso, Sysco

Electrification has significant synergies with connectivity and autonomous vehicles. It offers clean efficient transport as well as  power for the advanced sensors and processors. In turn connectivity and autonomous systems can benefit electrification by managing the vehicles operations and recharging schedules

14:15–15:00 – Key Note – Future Mobility and the Law – Jennifer Dukarski, Butzel Long

Regulations and automotive product liability is based on over a 100 years of human driven vehicles. Many refinements will be required to allow autonomous vehicles to be deployed in public service. What is the best way forward and how different might approaches be in Europe, US and China? 

15:00–15:15 – Networking Break

15:15–17:15 – First Autonomous Deployments – Moderator: Aneesh Padalkar, Ricardo – Speakers: Andrew Smart and Mo Poorsartep, Lyft

Which will be the first autonomous vehicle deployments for goods and people movement? The speakers will discuss their perspectives on the opportunities, barriers to introduction and why and when certain automated vehicles will enter service.

17:15–17:30 – Closing Session: Closing remarks and key findings of the day – Speakers: Marc Wiseman and Aneesh Padalkar

17:30–19:30 – Networking Reception

Further information and registration details are available via the event website.


March 19, 2020

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