Retech recognised for innovation and business leadership

October 4, 2022

October 4, 2022

Retech has been recognised twice by industry media (Courtesy Retech)
Retech has been recognised twice by industry media (Courtesy Retech)

Retech, a Seco/Warwick Group company headquartered in Buffalo, New York, USA, has been recognised twice by industry media: the company itself was called ‘The Most Innovative Metallurgical Equipment Specialist’, while its Managing Director Earl Good was named one of the ‘Top 20 Dynamic Business Leaders of 2022’.

The company’s accolade was given by Acquisition International Magazine (AI), citing Retech as a global leader in Powder Metallurgy processing equipment supplier, focused on the creation of products providing customers with safe, dependable and environmentally responsible solutions.

“Innovation without implementation is only a slogan. The greatest advantage of sharing ideas is giving them a chance to surface and reach people who can support their implementation,” stated Katarzyna Sawka, VP of Marketing, Seco/Warwick Group. “Nobody reads minds! Critically, we recognise that advancing technology is a mission with goalposts that are ever-shifting due to the exponential growth of innovations. We are excited about always looking to improve, develop, and grow both as a company and as well. As a dedicated team who are passionate about metalwork.”

The recognition for Earl Good, Retech’s Managing Director, came from The Corporate Magazine, which remarked that he was transforming the industry with his leadership.

In The Corporate Magazine, Good was quoted: “I am always looking at things such as: how we can execute better; how we can improve our furnace products; what new products make sense for our portfolio; what new technology can we develop; do we have the right mix of people; and what can we do to better support our customers’ needs.”

Sławomir Wozniak, CEO, Seco/Warwick Group, added, “From the very beginning, Seco/Warwick’s Group philosophy has been based on product and technology development to meet the high expectations of our customers (i.e., top-tier organisations from the automotive, aerospace, and energy industries). It’s because innovation is demonstrated through our thinking and our solutions worldwide. We are looking for development paths, one of which is a continuous need to do something better. Additionally, we realise that empowered leaders in our business units are enablers of innovation within their teams. We seek to develop these aspects to ensure the company delivers on its mission to its customers.”

October 4, 2022

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