Report outlines new process for safe transport and recycling of metal powder condensate waste

June 22, 2022

The Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association (AMGTA) has issued a report outlining the requirements to passivate metal condensate waste for transport and recycling. The new process, which was developed by AMGTA member, Sintavia, and KBM Advanced Materials, involves mixing powder condensate waste with a removable resin, which renders the waste non-hazardous and shippable to a recycling plant.

Metal condensate, the term used for excess soot and powder that is blown off of a build plate during the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) Additive Manufacturing process, had previously been treated as a hazardous material and disposed of at a high cost.

“Today’s report is a must-read for any company involved in laser powder bed fusion metal Additive Manufacturing,” stated Sherri Monroe, the AMGTA’s Executive Director. “Not only does this new process reduce transportation costs, but it is also reversible, meaning that metal recycling companies can have unsoiled access to the underlying powder once it is received—thus allowing for the potential to recycle waste material that previously had to be put in a hazardous waste landfill.”

Brian Neff, the AMGTA’s Board Chair and CEO of Sintavia, commented, “I hope that other companies adopt this new process, as it will reduce their transportation costs since the underlying material is no longer hazardous. This report is an excellent example of the AMGTA taking a leadership role in developing sustainable use practices for Additive Manufacturing.”

The full report is available to access here.

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