PowderMet2025 and AMPM2025 extended abstract deadline
November 20, 2024

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), organiser of PowderMet2025 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials and AMPM2025 Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy, has extended the submission deadline for abstracts until November 30, 2024.
The events, taking place June 15-18 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, will serve as a hubs for technology transfer, providing access to hundreds of technical presentations from worldwide experts on the latest research and development.
An accompanying trade exhibit will incorporate every part of the industry, including buyers and specifiers of metal powders; particle-size and powder-characterisation equipment; powder handling and blending equipment; tooling and compacting presses; AM build machines; sintering furnaces and accessories; quality-control and automation equipment; consulting and research services; and more.
Accepted technical papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and highly rated papers will also be included in the APMI’s International Journal of Powder Metallurgy Select Manuscripts distribution.
Technical papers and posters can be submitted here until November 30, 2024.