Plansee Japan celebrates forty-year anniversary

July 19, 2018

July 19, 2018

Peter Aldrian, Managing Director, Plansee Japan, addressed 170 guests during the company’s 40th anniversary celebration (Courtesy Plansee Japan Ltd)


Plansee Japan Ltd, Tokyo, recently celebrated its forty-year anniversary in a ceremony attended by 170 guests. During the event, Peter Aldrian, Plansee Japan’s Managing Director, offered guests an insight into the Japanese subsidiary’s origins and development since its founding.

Austrian-based Plansee Group founded Nippon Plansee K.K. with the opening of offices in Tokyo and Osaka in 1978, followed shortly after by an office in Fukuoka. In 1991, Plansee began local production in order to safeguard its future growth, and Japan Vacs Precision was established as a joint venture of Metallwerk Plansee GmbH and Japan Vacs Metals.

Japan Vacs Precision established itself as a reliable supplier to Japan’s high-tech enterprises and, in 2009, Nippon Plansee, Japan Vacs Metals and Japan Vacs Precision consolidated to form Plansee Japan. The company currently employs 130, and produces precision components for the electronics, medical engineering, automotive, lighting and semiconductor industries in Esashi, Japan, which it markets through its sales offices in Tokyo and in Osaka.

According to Plansee, 30% of the products manufactured at its Japanese site are exported to customers internationally. In addition, the company purchases materials, products and components from other Plansee Group companies for sale to the Japanese market. According to Aldrian, Plansee Japan continues to invest in modern manufacturing equipment, staff development and the ongoing development of its service offering in order to ensure that it remains an innovative and reliable business partner for the region.

July 19, 2018

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