Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab expands production facility in Romania

January 13, 2025

The Busch Group celebrated the inauguration of its new Pfeiffer premises in Romania (Courtesy Busch Group)
The Busch Group celebrated the inauguration of its new Pfeiffer premises in Romania (Courtesy Busch Group)

Busch Group has expanded its production facility for Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Romania, with the new premises having been officially inaugurated. The celebration took place at Nervia Industrial Park in Apahida and , during the event, two other significant milestones were recognised: Busch Romania celebrated its 10th anniversary, and the establishment of a new company, Composites Busch Romania, was announced.

Sami Busch, Co-owner and co-CEO, and the managing directors of the three Romanian Busch Group companies – Andrei Varga of Busch Romania, Pascal Fesneau of Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Romania, Ahmet Muderris, and Marius Nedelcu of Composites Busch in Romania – cut the ribbon together to inaugurate the new premises.

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“By incorporating Pfeiffer Vacuum into the Busch Group, we can now offer our customers in Romania the best solutions for all vacuum technology applications,” explained Andrei Varga, Managing Director of Busch Romania.

Ahmet Muderris, Managing Director of Composites Busch, added, “This new facility paves the way for expanding our market presence in a competitive and qualitative manner.”

Pascal Fesneau, Managing Director of Pfeiffer Vacuum, shared, “We are proud of our skilled team that is eager to achieve the highest quality standards demanded by our customers.”

Christina Belce, the Mayor of the Apahida Municipality, attended the event. All 135 employees of the Busch Group in Romania were also invited.

The modern two-story building extension at Nervia Industrial Park includes a canteen with a terrace and rest areas for employees. It features a new photovoltaic system which generates 10-15% of the company’s energy supply. The remainder is covered by electricity from renewable energy sources.

Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions has been present in Romania since 2010. Busch Romania was founded in 2014. In 2018, the new Pfeiffer facility in the Nervia Industrial Park in Cluj was put into operation. In 2023, Busch and Pfeiffer merged at Group level to form the Busch Group.

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