Pfeiffer Vacuum offers cloud-based service management

September 22, 2021

Pfeiffer Vacuum’s Virtual Service Management makes it possible to manage vacuum equipment from different manufacturers (Courtesy Pfeiffer Vacuum)

Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Asslar, Germany, has introduced a new Virtual Service Management (VSM) web-based app that makes it possible to manage vacuum equipment from different manufacturers. The app is integrated into Pfeiffer Vacuum’s new Select & Request Portal, allowing interested parties who register in the portal access the new service directly.

The app allows users to create their own locations, departments and machines, to which the various vacuum components are assigned, enabling management of the vacuum equipment more easily. The corresponding product data and operating instructions are stored and made available in the system.

A clear display of organisational units and vacuum components is expected to make planning and documentation (such as service activities, maintenance and repairs) over the entire service life much easier. The dashboard on the start page can be customised, and frequently required components can be marked as favourites and, if desired, displayed directly on the dashboard.

Customers can also store additional information, such as maintenance intervals, the average running time and the last service date. This makes it possible for the software to organise servicing and maintenance intervals worldwide, and to involve the relevant Pfeiffer Vacuum service center in good time.

Pfeiffer states that system downtimes can be minimised by synchronising maintenance activities, improving decision making and planning reliability. Creating a service request is also quick, since the data can be filled in automatically.

Each vacuum component is uniquely identified via an ID code and QR code. The tool offers the option of exporting QR codes in several formats (e.g. for a label printer). With the mobile app (Android and iOS), the QR code can be scanned by smartphones or tablets, providing an instant overview of the most important data (such as the article number, operating manual or service tickets).

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