Pfeiffer Vacuum introduces OmniStar and ThermoStar gas analysers
June 29, 2020

Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Asslar, Germany, has introduced two new benchtop gas analysers, the OmniStar® and ThermoStar® GSD 350. The compact, portable analysers, for analysing gases at atmospheric pressure, are particularly suitable for applications in metallurgy, amongst others..
The gas inlet is fitted with a heated capillary for use at up to 350°C, preventing vapours from condensing during process gas analysis. Thanks to the two-stage inlet system, almost segregation-free gas supply is possible. The ThermoStar solution was specially developed for coupling with thermo balances. The inlet system with a quartz capillary and a platinum orifice ensures that even the smallest concentrations can be analysed, explains the company.
The OmniStar was developed for a wide range of applications and uses a stainless steel capillary as well as a valve which can interrupt the sample gas stream. Unlike other analytical methods such as FTIR or GC-FID, the two new devices allow simultaneous detection of all gases within the mass range.
With the new PV MassSpec software, it is said to be possible to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses. This software offers a clear and user-friendly platform for recording and displaying measurement data and parameter settings. Even complete measuring procedures can be programmed and automated. With a variety of equipment variants available, the mass ranges of 1 to 100 u, 1 to 200 u and 1 to 300 u are covered.
The two new models differ from comparable devices by their compact size and easy operation using an integrated 18 cm touch display or a web user interface. The device can be fully controlled and the user can also perform simple measurements without a PC or PV MassSpec via a smartphone or tablet.