OZ-Workshop 2015 to be held at University of California
May 5, 2015
A second OZ-Workshop is being held at the University of California (UCB), Berkeley, USA, on Friday May 15, 2015. The workshop will focus on the science and application of nano-structured materials and is free of charge to attend.
Organised by Zoz Group in conjunction with the UCB, the general technical programme will include the following topics:
- High kinetic processing (MA, HEM, RM)
- Severe plastic deformation
- Microstructural design
- Nano-meso-hybride structures
- Sintered metal/ceramic and compaction
- MIM, CIM, Spark Plasma Sintering
- Plasma coating techniques
There will also be a focus on nanostrucutre applications including:
- Nanocrystalline & amorphous materials
- Carbon nanotube utilisation
- M/C-Polymer compounds & WPC
- Construction materials cement/concrete
- Sintered materials mass production
- Fabrication of fuelcell, H2-tank and batteries for automobile and stationary applications