OZ-13 Symposium on Nanostructures to include Powder Metallurgy presentations
February 13, 2013
OZ-13, the 6th German-Japanese Symposium on Nanostructures and the 6th International Symposium on Nanostructures is scheduled to take place in Kusatsu, Kyoto, Japan from March 3-5, 2013.
The symposium will include presentations from Germany’s Federal Environmental Minister Peter Altmaier, from Christos Tokamanis, head of Nano Sciences and Nano Technologies at the European Commission as well as Prof Dr Hideshi Miura, President of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy (JSPM).
There will also be presentations from Ichiro Okamoto, Director & Executive Officer at Japan`s Nippon Light Metal Company, Ltd. and Chairman Chiu-Lung Chu, Director of the Asian Powder Metallurgy Association (APMA) and General Manager of Porite Taiwan Co., Ltd.
“These important and highly appreciated contributions demonstrate the political, industrial and academic level of this annual meeting alternating between Germany and Japan,” Prof Dr Henning Zoz, Chairman and CEO of ZOZ Group told ipmd.net. “OZ-13 will provide a small but first-class technical programme covering aspects in the super important field of nanostructured materials in applied science and technology.”
The conference does not include any parallel sessions and is limited to two session days. There is no conference fee and no exhibitor cost. “First class speakers and exhibitors from a small but excellent society, with industrial focused overview, present leading edge technology which together might be the key for the success of these annual global brainstorming events,” added Zoz.
The event is organized by Zoz Group & Ritsumeikan University supported by the Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO) and by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT).
Poster presentations and exhibitors are still welcome. For further information visit the OZ-13 website.
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]
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