OWL offers Hot Isostatic Pressing and Additive Manufacturing services

April 25, 2022

OWL has developed its own HIP cycles and protocols suited to Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy OWL Additive Manufacturing)
OWL has developed its own HIP cycles and protocols suited to Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy OWL Additive Manufacturing)

OWL Additive Manufacturing GmbH, Aachen, Germany, is now offering a range of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing services. The company was EN9100:2018 and ISO9001:2015 certified in August 2021, and works within the aerospace, motorsport, mechanical engineering and medical technology sectors.

The HIP process is used to improve a wide range of products, including castings, additively manufactured parts, near net shape parts, ceramics, Powder Metallurgy, sintered and metal injection moulded parts.

When components are treated with the HIP process, internal cavities and micro-porosities are eliminated through a combination of plastic deformation, flow and diffusion bonding of the material. The HIP process enables improved fatigue properties, greater tensile strength, higher impact strength and an overall reduction in the variation in mechanical properties.

As well as HIP services, OWL offers Additive Manufacturing services (Courtesy OWL Additive Manufacturing)
As well as HIP services, OWL offers Additive Manufacturing services (Courtesy OWL Additive Manufacturing)

As well as HIP services, OWL offers Additive Manufacturing services from prototypes through to serial production. It also offers FEM and topology analysis and optimisation, producing components in a wide range of metals.

More information and OWL Additive Manufacturing’s HIP and AM services is available through its site.


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