Organisers report success of 6th Spanish National and 1st Iberoamerican Powder Metallurgy conferences
September 20, 2017

Attendees at the 6th Spanish National and 1st Iberoamerican Powder Metallurgy conferences
The Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and the Institute of Ceramics and Glass have reported a successful 6th Spanish National Powder Metallurgy Conference and 1st Iberoamerican Powder Metallurgy Conference.
The conferences took place in Ciudad Real, Spain, June 7-9, 2017, and reportedly brought together more than 140 researchers from eleven countries. According to the organisers, around twenty PM companies attended the conferences’ ‘industrial session’, as well as a number of industry associations.
In addition to plenary presentations from Dr Frank Petzoldt, Dr Elena Gordo, Dr Sebastián Díaz de la Torre and Dr Paolo Colombo, the conferences saw eighty presentations given across fourteen sessions. A further twenty-four short presentations were given during a poster session. During these sessions, attendees from both academic and industrial fields presented their latest activities and innovations.
An exhibition titled ‘Particles in your Life’ ran alongside the conference schedule, developed in order to make PM technology accessible to younger people through a series of guided visits from high school students.