Opening of the Mercury Centre’s Additive Manufacturing suite scheduled for 19 April
March 21, 2012
Located at the University of Sheffield, UK, the Mercury Centre’s new Additive Manufacturing suite has been designed to demonstrate the latest near net shape manufacturing technology.
The centre will open its additive manufacturing suite on Thursday 19th April, and will offer tours of the facility along with equipment demonstrations in Additive Layer Manufacture, Aerosol Jet Deposition, Metal Injection Moulding, Spark Plasma Sintering and Electron Beam Processing.
The centre combines production-scale manufacturing equipment with a powerful suite of analytical facilities. The combination of these facilities provides a unique three stage solution to manufacturing needs, refining product development through a cycle of continuous improvement.
Presentations will be made on the day by Professor Mark Rainforth (Mercury Centre Director), Professor Iain Todd (Mercury Centre Director) and Edward Draper (JRI).
For more information please contact:
Sarah Hollely (Marketing and Administration Officer)
Tel: 0114 222 5982 (ext. 25982)
Email: [email protected]
Edited by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]
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