NTN reveals plans for 100 year anniversary celebrations

April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017

NTN reveals plans for 100 year anniversary celebrations

NTN President Hiroshi Ohkubo and Managing Director Keiji Ohashi (Courtesy NTN)

NTN Corporation, Osaka, Japan, has held a press conference ahead of its 100 year anniversary, to be celebrated on March 1, 2018. NTN President Hiroshi Ohkubo and Managing Director Keiji Ohashi presented their plans for the coming year’s centenary celebrations, along with their hopes for the next century.

The focus of the celebration, reported the President, will be NTN’s ongoing emphasis on energy saving, conservation and sustainability and its expansion into new and relevant fields. At the press conference, NTN expressed its hope that the ongoing development of smoother bearings to reduce energy loss caused by friction – for vehicles, robotic systems, production machinery, etc – will contribute to a ‘smoother’ eco-friendly society.

NTN reveals plans for 100 year anniversary celebrations

NTN’s new slogan, “NanTe Nameraka”, translates to “how smooth!” in English

At the press conference, NTN revealed its new slogan, “NanTe Nameraka”, translating to “how smooth!” in English; a phrase echoed by the new communication keyword, “Make the World Nameraka” (Make the World Smooth), again emphasising the company’s new sustainable focus.

The company’s centenary will also be used to “express NTN’s gratitude for the immense loyalty and assistance received over the years,” stated Ohkubo and Ohashi.  A number of community projects are planned for 2017-2018, including a ‘Rotating Workshop’ which will give Osaka children and residents the opportunity to learn about energy saving and the way bearing designs can contribute to sustainability, and activities under the title ‘Coexistance with Local Communities’, such as the provision of natural energy products to Osaka communities.

In May 2017, NTN will sponsor Japan’s national cycling race, Tour of Japan.


April 13, 2017

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