Norsk Titanium selects CAST Highlight to control open-source software risk

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023

CAST Highlight has been implemented to help control open-source software risk (Courtesy CAST Software)
CAST Highlight has been implemented to help control open-source software risk (Courtesy CAST Software)

Norsk Titanium, Hønefoss, Norway, has selected CAST Highlight from software developer CAST Software, Paris, France, in its attempt to control open-source software (OSS) risk. While OSS has various benefits, there are also growing risks including security issues and IP licensing requirements. CAST Highlight gives legal, security, and operational leadership departments the ability to make informed decisions around the use of OSS components in their code.

The Software as a Service (SaaS) product plugs directly into the source code and reportedly provides leadership with clear instantaneous, and actionable analyses on the application portfolio, prioritising recommended actions around any significant licensing and security risk based on business impact.

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Norsk Titanium IT Operations Manager, Tim Dufrane, stated “Implementing CAST Highlight has been a victory for both our legal and IT teams. I was able to get the product up and running in no time and now for the first time we’re able to accurately and immediately understand and mitigate any OSS risk in our portfolio of internal applications without disrupting our development teams. Just a massive win for all involved.”

May 16, 2023

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