New websites launched for GKN Powder Metallurgy and GKN Sinter Metals

August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017

New websites launched for GKN Powder Metallurgy and GKN Sinter Metals

The sites now feature a number of introductory pages explaining the uses for Powder Metallurgy components in industrial and consumer markets such as automotive, renewable energy and medical engineering (Courtesy GKN Sinter Metals Blog)


GKN plc has unveiled two new websites for its GKN Powder Metallurgy and GKN Sinter Metals divisions. In a post on the GKN Sinter Metals Blog, the company stated that while the new Sinter Metals site comprises a redesign of the older site, this is the first time that a website dedicated to GKN Powder Metallurgy has been built.

According to GKN, each website will allow customers to access the contact details for experts in individual product areas by visiting dedicated contact pages on Additive Manufacturing, lightweight aluminium technology, hydrogen technology, electrification and etc. In addition, the sites now feature a number of introductory pages explaining the uses for Powder Metallurgy components in industrial and consumer markets such as automotive, renewable energy and medical engineering.

Both websites will also feature information on the story of GKN, from its roots in England in 1759 to the present. Susanne Huetter, Global Marketing Manager for GKN Sinter Metals, reported, “We’ll show you the faces behind our technology and innovation, our path for the future, but also our roots and the difficulties we have overcome.”

“We consider the new site as a living MVP, a Minimum Viable Product, that goes live with the goal to give you a great user experience and deliver the right solution for your problem quickly,” she added. “Once we understand how you interact with the site and what you like and don’t like, we will iterate the pages until they achieve full impact.”


August 22, 2017

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