New production line for medical engineering products at Plansee

March 29, 2017

March 29, 2017

New production line for medical engineering products at Plansee

Plansee’s new production line was launched with a presentation on the role of Plansee’s components in modern medical devices by Dr Andreas Lackner (Courtesy Plansee)

Plansee will invest €10 million in the construction of a new production line for medical engineering products at its Breitenwang facility in Reutte, Austria, the company has announced.

The new project was launched officially on March 23, 2017, with a presentation on the role of Plansee’s components in modern medical devices by Dr Andreas Lackner, Executive Director, Plansee SE, in the presence of Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern.

The Reutte facility is Plansee’s largest production site and has been manufacturing medical engineering products – installed in X-ray machines, CT scanners and other applications – for more than 60 years. Plansee’s new production line will offer the company a highly automated and networked production process, which is expected to bring the company into line with the demands of Industry 4.0.

“We want to continue to produce medical engineering products highly competitively in the heart of Europe in the years to come,” stated Bernhard Schretter, a member of the Board of Directors of Plansee Holding AG. “Intelligent interfaces, end-to-end product coding and tight processes will permit considerably shorter delivery times.”

The new production line, which is expected to enter use within 12 months, is part of a total €46 million investment into the Breitenwang/Reutte site over the financial year 2016/17, with investments on a similar scale planned for the current year.

March 29, 2017

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