New downloads now available from the Powder Injection Moulding International PDF Store

December 18, 2008

December 18, 2008

A number of new articles and technical papers have just been made available for download from the PIM International PDF Store, the leading online resource for the metal injection moulding (MIM) and ceramic injection moulding (CIM) industries. These include:

Feedstock for powder injection moulding: production and commercial suppliers

Feature article, first published: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 23-32, 3736 words

Dr. Georg Schlieper reviews the currently available feedstocks for metal and ceramic injection molding, along with the main raw materials used. The manufacturing technologies applied in feedstock preparation and methods for feedstock characterisation are also covered. The main commercial suppliers in the feedstock industry have also been profiled more…

BASF, a leader in the supply of ready-to-mould feedstock for metal and ceramic components

Company visit, first published: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 33-35, 1832 words

BASF SE’s Catamold® feedstock system enjoys a leading position in the powder injection moulding industry. Dr. Georg Schlieper visited BASF’s manufacturing complex at Ludwigshafen and reports for Powder Injection Moulding International on PIM related operations at the world’s largest chemical company.

PM2008 World Congress Review Part 1: Modelling enhances PIM processing

Congress review, first published: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 36-41, 2830 words

A group of five separate papers at the Powder Metallurgy 2008 World Congress, held in Washington DC, June 2008, highlighted the continuing focus on enhancing the capabilities of PIM through the use of computer simulation or modelling. Dr. David Whittaker reports on some of the presentations more….

Arburg sets the pace in the production of moulding machines for PIM

Company visit, first published: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 49-52, 1947 words

Arburg GmbH + Co KG is for many synonymous with injection moulding machines for PIM. With their trademark yellow and green livery, the company’s machines are a common sight in PIM factories from Europe through to America and Asia. Nick Williams, Editor of Powder Injection Moulding International, reports from his recent visit to Arburg’s headquarters and manufacturing complex at Lossburg, deep in the heart of Germany’s Black Forest more…

Egide: Strong demand from the medical sector drives growth for UK PIM producer

Company visit, first published: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 53-56, 1522 words

Egide UK is a producer of metal and ceramic injection moulded components for a diverse array of end-user sectors. Based in the UK, but with customers throughout the world, their success in recent years clearly suggests a bright future for the niche production of PIM components. Nick Williams, Editor of PIM International, reports on a recent visit more…

Micro-channelled heat exchanger manufactured by Ceramic Injection Moulding and co-firing

Technical Paper: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 69-71, 1351 words. Authors: Luc Federzoni, Pascal Revirand

This work concerns the development of an innovative processing route for manufacturing a new design of ceramics micro-channelled heat exchanger. The manufacture is based principally on the Ceramic Injection Moulding process of the different elements of the micro-channelled heat exchanger. Furthermore, the different elements are co-fired in order to produce the part. The micro-channelled heat exchanger is characterised by a complex network of inner channels. The paper focuses on the alumina feedstock based on ultrafine alumina powders and on conditions of injection, debinding and co-firing, developed essentially for this study…..

Liquid infiltration property of micro-porous stainless steel produced by powder space holder method

Technical Paper: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 60-63, 1868 words. Authors: Kazuaki Nishiyabu, Satoru Matsuzaki, Shigeo Tanaka

A production method for micro-porous metal components has been developed by applying the powder space holder (PSH) method to metal powder injection moulding (MIM) process. This paper deals with the liquid infiltration property of micro-porous metals produced by the PSH method. The material used is high-corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steel 316L, and the samples have micro-sized open porous structures with high specific surface area. The test apparatus for evaluating a liquid infiltration performance of the porous specimens was developed using analytical balance. From the weight change in a liquid infiltration test, the effecting factors on water absorption behaviour of the porous specimens were revealed……

Cooling performance of tube X-COOLER shaped by MIM technology

Technical Paper: PIM International, Vol.2 No. 3 September 2008, pages 64-68, 2477 words. Authors: B. S. Zlatkov [1], H. Danninger [2], O.S.Aleksic [3]. 

An advanced X-COOLER was produced by MIM (metal injection moulding) technology as a regular array of thin Cu tubes on a carrier copper plate used as motherboard plate. This cooler was designed to serve as a CPU active and passive heat sink. Its thermal properties were measured and compared to those of Cu heat sinks produced by precision forging technology of copper and Al heat sinks produced by the cold forging technology of aluminium, with pins arranged in a similar matrix array. Measurements were done for input heat generated on a heater placed at the bottom side of the motherboard plate and conducted by two dissipation modes…… 

For more information on all articles and technical papers available in the PIM International PDF Store visit

December 18, 2008

In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification
  • Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing Powder Metallurgy company achieving success through a diversified customer base
  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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