New book published- Metal Science: Past, Present and Future
January 13, 2014
Professor Gopal Shankar Upadhyaya, formerly Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur and author of papers and books covering a wide range of metallurgical topics, has published a new book entitled Metal Science: Past, Present and Future.
The author states that the book is the first attempt to present the history of metal science in one volume, covering both extractive and physical metallurgy. It is aimed as a supplementary text book for students in metallurgy and materials science and also for general readers.
After a brief introduction the second and third chapters are devoted to extractive metallurgy. Chapters related to physical metallurgy are written in a sequence such that the description of structures is given first, before highlighting the properties of metals and alloys. There is a sub-chapter on sintering and the final chapter ‘Future Trends’ highlights various topics in contemporary metal science.
Published by Trans Tech Publications Inc, Metal Science: Past, Present and Future is available in print and digital formats.
ISBN 978-3-03785-997-1

Metal Science: Past , Present and Future was released on 15th November, 2013 during the annual technical meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals / Alumni Meet at Banaras Hindu University