NanoSteel introduces micro peening alloy with high hardness and durability for peening to precise specifications

March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014

The NanoSteel Company, a US based leader in nano-structured steel materials design, has announced the introduction of its proprietary EverShot™ ferrous micro peening alloy. The new material combines high hardness with a low breakage rate which, the company states, allows the shot peening of parts to precision specifications.

“Compared to both ceramic and ferrous microshot media, EverShot™ enables the shot peening of parts to tighter dimensional requirements at significantly improved uptimes,” stated Harald Lemke, NanoSteel’s Vice President and General Manager of Powder Metallurgy. “The media is ideal for the shot peening of small parts and parts with small radii or complex geometries such as gears, springs and threads.”

In a customer test conducted by NanoSteel’s development partner Superior Shot Peening in Houston, Texas, USA, the EverShot™ media with an average shot particle size of 83 microns (0.0033 inches) generated intensities equal to CW14 steel cut wire shot while providing a more uniform level of compression. “NanoSteel’s micro shot is extremely durable and generates the most uniform level of sub-surface compressive stresses that I’ve seen from any media other than ultrasonic shot peening,” stated Dan Spinner, Superior Shot Peening’s Director of Technology. “The high hardness of the NanoSteel ferrous micro shot results in a deeper impact than existing ferrous micro shots without additional workhardening.”

Competitive benchmarking shows that an EverShot™ cut lasted up to seventy times longer than ceramic and nine times longer than other high hardness ferrous micro shot. This substantially higher durability provides more consistent surface quality and improved uptime from less frequent material replacement while lowering process waste, claims the company. 


March 4, 2014

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