MTC Powder Solutions upgrades HIP unit at Swedish facility
August 25, 2020
MTC Powder Solutions (MTC PS), Surahammar, Sweden, the newest addition to Metal Technology Co. Ltd. (MTC), reports that it has completed a significant upgrade to its Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) unit at its Surahammar production site.
“Over a very short period we have invested heavily in our production site to increase capacity and this is just one of many additional milestones to be met to support the increase of new business,” stated Magnus Nyström, managing director at MTC PS.
In 2019, completion of the new capsule welding facility saw MTC PS increase the onsite welding capacity by roughly 200% for its Near-Net Shape HIP business segment, and meet the increased demand of NNS HIP components.
In addition to these investments over a two-year period, MTC PS states that it has also successfully installed a new saw to be utilised for test material on production components onsite, increasing traceability and cutting lead time.
Iain Dandy, the new Business Manager at MTC PS, commented, “These are exciting times for MTC, and in particular MTC PS, as we demonstrate our desire to provide an efficient and trustworthy service. Significantly for me the additions and investments we are witnessing are complimentary to supporting the alignment of the two companies into a global service.”