MPP acquires Proform Powdered Metals

August 18, 2021

Proform Powdered Metals manufactures a range of sintered bearings, bushings and spacers (Courtesy Proform Powdered Metals)

Metal Powder Products, LLC (MPP), headquartered in Noblesville, Indiana, USA, has announced that it has acquired Proform Powdered Metals, Inc. (Proform), a manufacturer of high-quality sintered bronze bearings, bushings and spacers, headquartered in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA.

The acquisition is expected to further strengthen MPP’s position in the market, broaden its business platform to deliver high-quality products and services, as well as generating greater efficiencies. MPP states that it will bring operational expertise and its global footprint to expand opportunities throughout the marketplace.

MPP is a leading provider of custom-engineered Powder Metallurgy/Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) solutions for industrial applications. It has eight production facilities in the US and China that specialise in the production of various components, including custom-engineered gears and sprockets, complex structural parts, high strength aluminium parts and components requiring unique mechanical and physical properties, for use in high stress, wear and magnetic applications.

“As the leader in powdered metallurgy industrial applications, MPP is excited to announce the addition of Proform Powdered Metals, strengthening our position in sintered bronze bearings, copper parts and iron spacers,” commented Dennis McKeen, CEO of MPP. “Proform’s best-in-class team, manufacturing facility, organisation, and products are a perfect fit with MPP’s current products and customer base.”

Proform will continue operating and serving customers under the Proform company name.

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